


Trello Rest API Introduction

Treinamentos - SKILLS - Pluralsight

Lifetime - Transient, Singleton and Scoped

OAuth 2


10 C# Hacks

Generate a YAML file to build and deploy an .NET 6 API project to AWS Lambda

Generate a YAML file to build and deploy an Angular project to AWS

Git Commit Patterns

C# Exception Handling: Techniques and Best Practices

C# to query the WinNT system by Security Identifier (SID)

Load Balancer vs Reverse Proxy vs API Gateway

50 C# (Advanced) Optimization Performance Tips

A.I. - Deck generator

Code review guide to search for lack of best practices of C#

OWASP Top 10 - code review plan for C#

Tip for XAML Parsing to avoid application overhead

How can I improve a code to avoid WPF know rendering and dependency binding issues

Why the windows process increases on applications made in WPF

A simpler way of ignoring specific types of exceptions when awaiting a Task

SQL Query Execution Order

The future of Blockchain

Memory Leakage in WPF Application

steps to publish C# console in AWS Lambda

run a code quality check over any C# application