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Monitor Database Query Performance

Monitor Database Query Performance using Splunk

Slow database queries might be the culprit of wider service availability issues. With Database Query Performance, you can monitor the impact of your database queries on service availability directly in Splunk APM. This way, you can quickly identify long-running, unoptimized, or heavy queries and mitigate issues they might be causing, without having to instrument your databases.

How Database Query Performance works
Splunk APM identifies databases as inferred services in your system using automatically generated span tags. Databases appear throughout APM, such as in their inferred locations in the service map, in the service filter list, and in trace view. 
With Database Query Performance, Splunk APM provides additional analytics for a set of supported SQL and NoSQL databases. 
Database query normalization
To provide analytics for database queries, Splunk APM captures SQL statements, or queries, from the span in which each call happens. Then APM replaces dynamic elements in each raw query with static placeholders to minimize cardinality, and records the following metrics about the query’s performance:

Total response time
90th percentile (P90) of latency
Total number of requests
Requests per second

Normalized queries have all dynamic elements replaced by the ? character.

Monitor Database Query Performance
