AWS Icons

HTML Character Table

 HTML Characters Table

  Non-breaking space
<&amp;lt;Less than (<)
>&amp;gt;Greater than (>)
&&amp;amp;Ampersand (&)
"&amp;quot;Double quotation mark (")
'&amp;apos;Single quotation mark (')
©&amp;copy;Copyright symbol ©
®&amp;reg;Registered trademark ®
&amp;trade;Trademark ™
&amp;euro;Euro sign €
£&amp;pound;Pound sterling £
¢&amp;cent;Cent sign ¢
¥&amp;yen;Yen sign ¥
$&amp;dollar;Dollar sign $
½&amp;frac12;Fraction one-half ½
¼&amp;frac14;Fraction one-quarter ¼
¾&amp;frac34;Fraction three-quarters ¾
×&amp;times;Multiplication sign ×
÷&amp;divide;Division sign ÷
±&amp;plusmn;Plus-minus sign ±
²&amp;sup2;Superscript two ²
³&amp;sup3;Superscript three ³
µ&amp;micro;Micro sign µ
&amp;para;Pilcrow (paragraph) ¶
&#xx;&amp;#xx;Decimal character reference (xx is the decimal value)
&#xhh;&amp;#xhh;Hexadecimal character reference (hh is the hexadecimal value)
