
AWS Icons

Securing AKS & ACR with Private Endpoint

.NET 7 - Consumo de memória e CPU

DevSecOps - Implementing Secure CI/CD Pipelines


List of software development philosophies

How to protect your APIs and Microservices?

Testes de Software

Entendendo o funcionamento dos índices no SQL Server

Discover if core has been installed on a windows server

Legacy FTP

Azure DevOps Services REST API

Site Útil

Kubernetes + Apache Kafka + KEDA: escalando aplicações que processam eventos com facilidade

Escalabilidade no Kubernetes, Tracing com OpenTelemetry

Git commands

Microservices Design Patterns

REST vs GraphQL vs gRPC

Test Coverage, Code Scan, Dependency Scan and Security Scan in Azure Pipeline

Azure Event Hubs and Stream Analytics


The IDEAL & Practical CI/CD Pipeline

Server Monitoring // Prometheus and Grafana Tutorial

gRPC in Microservices for Building a high-performance Interservice Communication .Net 5

EF Migrations Command Reference

Introduction to PLINQ

C# Best Practices and Code Review Checklist



Cloud Monitoring as a Service

Maturidade DevOps

Ferramentas da Iniciativa DevOps

Email Sandbox Service

AdonisJS - Web framework for Node.js

Arquitetura de microsserviços no Serviço de Kubernetes do Azure


Python Profilers

Arquitetura DevOps

Profiling Legacy Code


GitOps and Kubernetes: CI/CD for Cloud Native applications

Design Patterns

Introduction to Microsoft Dataverse

Cursos - Guia de TI

Testes de Carga em Web Apps com k6 + Automação com Azure DevOps

Http Status Codes


5 Altcoins That Can Make You Millionaire

Data Lake

BlackBox chrome extension

SAML & Azure AD - Setup Authentication

Creation of SonarQube server and integration with Azure Pipeline

Clean Code

Implementando Lazy Loading no Angular

Using xUnit to Test your C# Code

SonarQube - DevOps Integration

How to secure a Web API built with ASP.NET Core using the Azure AD

PowerApps Types

Make PowerApps

Machine Learning

Solidity Tutorial

Trusted Ledgers and Smart Contracts Registry – Smart Contract

ML Platform

Creating NFT with .NET

Azure Stream Analytics Data Flow

Power BI Dashboard

7 Best Online Courses to learn Microsoft Power BI

PowerBI integration with GIS Mapping

Applying OWASP principles in a .Net Core Application