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Getting Started with the Enterprise Search Administration
Object Model
Enterprise Search in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 provides a new Search Administration object model that you can use to create custom applications to administer Enterprise Search programmatically.
Enterprise Search Administration object model is implemented in the Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration namespace, found in
You can
write code that uses the Enterprise Search Administration object model from different
types of applications, including from the following:
A console application
A custom search Web Part hosted
in a SharePoint site
An ASPX Web application
A Windows Forms client
Using the Search Administration Object Model
The following diagram details the major extensibility areas in the new
Administration object model.
SearchContext Object
The Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchContext object is the entry point to
the Enterprise Search Administration object model. The GetContext method returns the search
context for the site, server, or Shared Services Provider (SSP) that you
specify. Depending on which method overload you use, you might need to also
include a reference in your project to the Microsot.Office.Server.dll or to the
Microsoft.SharePoint.dll. For more information about the GetContext method,
see How to: Return the Search Context for the Search Service
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you install Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, you might need to
restart the server that is hosting your SSP site before making any Enterprise
Search Administration object model calls.
Performance Considerations
If you use the GetContext method overload of the SearchContext class to
retrieve the search context, we recommend that your code instantiate the SPSite object
within a using statement
to ensure the object is released after it is no longer needed. The following is
an example.
SearchContext context;
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://yourSiteName"))
context = SearchContext.GetContext(site);
Content Sources
In Enterprise Search, content sources allow you to specify the content
to crawl, how to configure the crawl, and when to schedule the crawl.
The top-level object in the content sources object
model is the Content class. When you initialize an
instance of the Content class, you
pass a SearchContext object as a parameter in the
The ContentSources property of the Content class
returns the content sources for an SSP, represented by a ContentSourceCollection object.
The base class that represents individual content
sources is the ContentSource class. The object model also
includes the following classes to represent the different types of content
sources available in Enterprise Search.
Used to include content from
applications configured in the Business Data Catalog.
Used to include content from
custom content sources.
Used to include Microsoft Exchange
Server public folder content.
Used to include file share
Base class for hierarchical
content sources, such as the FileShareContentSource and ExchangePublichFolderContentSource.
Used to include Lotus Notes
Includes all Microsoft Windows
SharePoint Services content.
Used to include Web content.
The content source object model also includes classes for managing the
crawl schedule. Use the FullCrawlSchedule property of the ContentSource class to
configure the full crawl schedule. Use the IncrementalCrawlSchedule property of the ContentSource class to
configure the incremental crawl schedule.
The base class for crawl schedules is the Schedule class. The object model also
includes the following derived classes that you use for configuring the crawl
Used to specify the number of
days between crawls.
Used to specify the number of
weeks between crawls.
Used to specify the days of the
month and months of the year when the crawl should occur.
Used to specify the days of the
month, the weeks of the month, and the months of the year when the crawl should
For more information about content sources, see Managing Content.
Content Source Samples
For step-by-step, how-to procedures for programming content sources, see
the following:
Metadata Property Schema
The Enterprise Search metadata property schema includes two types of properties:
crawled properties, which are discovered by the search service index component
when crawling content, and managed properties, which are managed by search
administrators, and are explicitly set to be used in the search experience. You
must map crawled properties to managed properties to use them in the search
experience. For more information about properties in Enterprise Search, see Managing Metadata.
Managed properties are managed by administrators, and
are explicitly set to be used by the query system. Map crawled properties to
manage properties to create new properties to use for querying.
The entry point for managing metadata properties in
the Administration object model is the Schema object.
When you initialize an instance of the Schema class, you
pass a SearchContext object as a parameter in the
constructor. The AllManagedProperties property of the Schema class
returns a ManagedPropertyCollection object that represents a
collection of all the managed properties in the SSP's search schema. The ManagedProperty class represents a single
managed property.
Crawled properties are grouped together into different
categories, based on the protocol handler used. The AllCategories property of the Schema class
returns aCategoryCollection object that represents all the
crawled property categories in the SSP's search schema. The Category class represents a single
crawled property category. Use the GetAllCrawledProperties method of the Category class to
return an enumerator for the category's collection of crawled properties. TheCrawledProperty class represents a single
crawled property.
Schema Samples
For step-by-step, how-to procedures for programming with the Enterprise
Search schema, see the following:
Search Scopes
In Enterprise Search, search scopes represent a collection of items
based on a common element or elements among the items within that scope. Scopes
are defined by rules that are registered for that scope. There are global
scopes configured at the SSP level, which are available to all sites configured
to use that SSP. There are also site-level scopes, which are available only to
the site and subsites for the site where they are configured.
Display groups are groupings of scopes, and can be
used to manage which scopes appear with the scopes list for different search Web
Parts, including the Advanced Search and Search Box Web Parts.
The entry point for managing search scopes in the
Administration object model is the Scopes class.
When you initialize an instance of the Scopes class, you
pass aSearchContext object as the parameter for the
The AllScopes property returns a ScopeCollection object that represents the
collection of all the SSP's search scopes.
The AllDisplayGroups property returns a ScopeDisplayGroupCollection object that represents the
collection of all the display groups in the SSP's scopes.
The Scope class
represents a single search scope, and the ScopeDisplayGroup class represents a single
display group.
Keywords and Best Bets
Keywords are words or phrases that are identified as important to the
organization. They provide a way for search administrators to display
additional information and recommended links on the initial results page.
Keywords can be beneficial in the following scenarios:
When users frequently query for
information that is not included in the content index.
When an organization needs to
promote certain links, giving them a prominent place in search results.
For more information about keywords, best bets, and definitions, see Managing Keywords.
Enterprise Search keyword administration is performed
at the site level. The top- level object in the keyword object model is
represented by the Keywords class. The constructor for the Keywords class
takes two parameters: a SearchContext object, which represents the
SSP, and a System.Uri object, which represents the
site URL.
The AllKeywords property of the Keywords class
returns a KeywordCollection object that represents all the
keywords for the specified site. Individual keywords are represented by the Keyword class. To access the actual
keyword term or phrase, use the Term property
of the Keyword class. The
string that describes the keyword is stored in the Definition property.
Use the Synonyms property to return a SynonymCollection object that represents all the
synonyms for the keyword. Use the BestBets property to return aBestBetCollection object that represents all the
best bets for the keyword.
You can also access all the best bets defined for a
site by using the GetAllBestBets method of the Keywords class. The BestBet class represents a single
instance of a best bet, and individual synonyms are represented by the SynonymCollection class.
Enterprise Search provides a relevance object model that you can use to
customize the parameters used by the ranking engine. For more information about
Search relevance, see Enterprise Search Relevance Architecture Overview.
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the ranking parameter values arbitrarily can have an adverse effect on the
overall relevance of the system. We do not recommend that you do this without
carefully evaluating the changes and how they impact accuracy of search
The RankingParameters property of the Ranking class
returns an object that represents all the ranking parameters for the SSP. You
cannot add, remove, or rename ranking parameters in the collection; you can
only modify the parameter values. Individual ranking parameters are represented
by the RankingParameter class.
Use the AuthorityPages property to return an AuthorityPageCollection object that represents all the
authority pages registered for the SSP.
Use the DemotedSites property to return a DemotedSiteCollection object that represents all the
demoted sites registered for the SSP.
If the index service and query service are running on separate servers,
the Search service must copy the content index from the index service server to
the query service server. The name for this process is propagation.
Enterprise Search provides you with the ability to
access status information about the propagation system. The top-level object in
the propagation object model is thePropagation class. When you initialize an
instance of the Propagation class, you pass a SearchContext object as
a parameter in the constructor.
To retrieve the status of the overall propagation
system, use the Status property
of the Propagation class.
To check the propagation status for individual query
servers, first retrieve the query server's enumerator by using the QueryServers property of the Propagation class.
Then, enumerate through the collection of query servers to retrieve the QueryServer object representing the query
Crawl Log
You use the LogViewer object to retrieve the crawl
log data. The MaxDaysCrawlLogged property of the LogViewer class
allows you to set the maximum number of days for the crawl log to retain data.
To manipulate the data in the crawl log, you use the CrawlLogFilters class, which contains all of
the filters used for this purpose. This class contains an AddFilter method with four method
overloads, allowing you to add filters for the following:
All integer properties (such as startAt, TotalEntries, and MessageId)
Log time
Message type
See Also
Other Resources
Enterprise Search
How to: Return the Search Context for the Search Service Provider
Managing Content
Managing Metadata
Working with Search Scopes
Managing Keywords
Enterprise Search Relevance Architecture Overview
How to: Return the Search Context for the Search Service Provider
Managing Content
Managing Metadata
Working with Search Scopes
Managing Keywords
Enterprise Search Relevance Architecture Overview
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