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Microsoft® Manual of Style, 4th Edition - O'Reilly Media

  1. Chapter 1 Microsoft style and voice

    1. Principles of Microsoft style
    2. Bias-free communication
    3. Anthropomorphism
    4. Parallelism
  2. Chapter 2 Content for the web

    1. Make the right content choices
    2. Text for the web
    3. Video content for the web
    4. Blogs
    5. Community-provided content
    6. Evaluate your content
    7. Help users find your content
    8. International considerations for web content
    9. Accessibility considerations for web content
    10. Legal considerations for web content
  3. Chapter 3 Content for a worldwide audience

    1. Global English syntax
    2. Machine translation syntax
    3. Terminology and word choice
    4. Technical terms
    5. Jargon
    6. Latin and other non-English words
    7. Global art
    8. Examples and scenarios
    9. International currency
    10. Time and place
    11. Names and contact information
    12. Fonts
    13. Web, software, and HTML issues
    14. Legal issues with worldwide content
    15. Additional globalization resources
  4. Chapter 4 Accessible content

    1. Accessibility guidelines and requirements
    2. Accessible webpages
    3. Accessible writing
    4. Accessible graphics and design
    5. Acceptable terminology
  5. Chapter 5 The user interface

    1. Windows user interface
    2. Windows Phone user interface
    3. User interface elements
    4. Ribbons, menus, and toolbars
    5. Webpage controls, dialog boxes, and property sheets
    6. Backstage view
    7. Control Panel
    8. Messages
    9. Other user interface elements
    10. Modes of interaction
    11. Mouse terminology
    12. Key names
    13. Content for multiple platforms
    14. User interface text
    15. User interface formatting
  6. Chapter 6 Procedures and technical content

    1. Procedures
    2. Document conventions
    3. Cloud computing style
    4. Reference documentation
    5. Code examples
    6. Security
    7. Command syntax
    8. File names and extensions
    9. Version identifiers
    10. General guidelines
    11. Out-of-band release terminology
    12. Protocols
    13. XML tag, element, and attribute formatting
    14. HTML tag, element, and attribute formatting
    15. Readme files and release notes
  7. Chapter 7 Practical issues of style

    1. Capitalization
    2. Titles and headings
    3. Microsoft in product and service names
    4. Lists
    5. Tables
    6. Cross-references
    7. Notes and tips
    8. Numbers
    9. Dates
    10. Phone numbers
    11. Time zones
    12. Measurements and units of measure
    13. URLs, addresses
    14. Names of special characters
    15. Art, captions, and callouts
    16. Bibliographies and citations
    17. Page layout
  8. Chapter 8 Grammar

    1. Verbs and verb forms
    2. Agreement
    3. Voice
    4. Mood
    5. Nouns
    6. Words ending in -ing
    7. Prepositions
    8. Prefixes
    9. Dangling and misplaced modifiers
  9. Chapter 9 Punctuation

    1. Periods
    2. Commas
    3. Apostrophes
    4. Colons
    5. Semicolons
    6. Quotation marks
    7. Parentheses
    8. Hyphens, hyphenation
    9. Dashes
    10. Ellipses
    11. Slash mark
    12. Formatting punctuation
  10. Chapter 10 Indexes and keywords

    1. Indexes
    2. Keywords and online index entries
  11. Chapter 11 Acronyms and Other Abbreviations

    1. How to use acronyms and other abbreviations
    2. Table of acronyms and other abbreviations
    3. How to use abbreviations of measurements
    4. Table of abbreviations of measurements
    5. Process for adopting new acronyms or abbreviations
